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Is my understanding of writing a pseudo code(java) correct?

So I just learnt how to write pseudo codes and so lets say this is my code

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
class Watever{
public static final String foo="12345151";
public static String today;
public static String expiry;
public static void date(){
    SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
    Calendar calen = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date todayDate = calen.getTime();
    today = DATE_FORMAT.format(todayDate);
    calen.add(Calendar.MONTH, 4);
    Date expirationDate = calen.getTime();
    expiry = DATE_FORMAT.format(expirationDate);

public static void main(String[] args){
    int bar = Integer.parseInt(foo);

Would this be an acceptable pseudo code(given that we're gonna write the code in java)

PROGRAM Watever:
  Declare public final String foo="12345151";
  Declare public String today;
  method date():
             GET Today's date;
             today= Today's date;
             expiry= today+ 4 MONTHS;
             Format today AND expiry to "dd/MM/yy"
  method main(String[] args):
             CALL date();
             PRINT today;
             Convert String foo to int bar;
             PRINT bar;

and lets say if we use scanner object to for, do we have to say that we used it or do we just use

 PROMPT user "Enter number: ";
 GET num;

also how do we write the pseudocode for a printf(formatted string)


  • Pseudocode is a more informal expression. It is language independent. You do not have to declare variables in pseudocode. You just have to get the message across in a good manner.

    For printf you can use print "message"

    Hi, you can check out the following links they will definitely help.

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