Consider, that I've the following method:
public T Resolve<T>()
var targetType = typeof(T);
if (targetType.IsGenericType
&& targetType.GetGenerictTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>))
List<object> collection = this.ResolveCollection(targetType);
return (T)(object)collection;
return (T)this.ResolveSingle(targetType);
Sample usage:
IEnumerable<IFoo> coll = myClass.Resolve<IEnumerable<IFoo>>();
It is obvious, that sample will throw exception of invalid cast, because of covariance - we cannot cast List<object>
into IEnumerable<IFoo>
despite collection
contains implementations of IFoo
Is there any workaround for that problem when using reflection and non-generic methods? I don't want to change Resolve
signature so I don't have generic type of item to use LINQ Cast
Found workaround:
List<object> collection = this.ResolveCollection(targetType);
var itemType = targetType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(itemType);
var listInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(listType, new object[0]) as IList;
foreach (var instance in collection)
return (T)listInstance;
Then, casting works like a chram.