I need some help with this 3DES decryption. I have created some code for decryption but i cant get it to work as it should.This is the first time i am playing around with encryptions and i don't know what exactly am i doing wrong here.
I am receiving the key for the decryption from server (this is example value for the key: 0F7BC98767FF9A01F2B2AD1CD644AD33 - it is hex representation of random generated bytes).
this is the method that I use to decrypt the message:
-(NSString*)doCipher:(NSString*)message key:(NSString*)key operation:(CCOperation)encryptOrDecrypt {
const void *messageData;
size_t messageBufferSize;
if (encryptOrDecrypt == kCCDecrypt){
NSData *messageEncryptData= [NSData dataWithBase64EncodedString:message];
messageBufferSize= [messageEncryptData length];
messageData= [messageEncryptData bytes];
messageBufferSize= message.length;
messageData = [[[message dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]mutableCopy] bytes];
CCCryptorStatus ccStatus;
uint8_t *bufferPtr = NULL;
size_t bufferPtrSize = 0;
size_t movedBytes = 0;
bufferPtrSize = (messageBufferSize + kCCBlockSize3DES) & ~(kCCBlockSize3DES - 1);
bufferPtr = malloc( bufferPtrSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset((void *)bufferPtr, 0x0, bufferPtrSize);
uint8_t iv[kCCBlockSize3DES];
memset((void *) iv, 0x0, (size_t) sizeof(iv));
NSData *keyData = [[key dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]mutableCopy];
ccStatus = CCCrypt(encryptOrDecrypt,
kCCOptionPKCS7Padding & kCCModeCBC,
(const void *)[keyData bytes],
(void *)bufferPtr,
if (ccStatus == kCCParamError) return @"PARAM ERROR";
else if (ccStatus == kCCBufferTooSmall) return @"BUFFER TOO SMALL";
else if (ccStatus == kCCMemoryFailure) return @"MEMORY FAILURE";
else if (ccStatus == kCCAlignmentError) return @"ALIGNMENT";
else if (ccStatus == kCCDecodeError) return @"DECODE ERROR";
else if (ccStatus == kCCUnimplemented) return @"UNIMPLEMENTED";
NSLog(@"bufferPtr: %s", bufferPtr);
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%s", bufferPtr];
return s;
-- EDIT --- this is output that I receive from the method:
bufferPtr: Ã’ ÕÏÁU
--- EDIT 2 ----- I fixed the key length to be 24 byte long, but now the end result is empty string
i Found my problem. It was the way i was reading the key.
i created this method for converting hex string into NSData:
+ (NSData *)dataFromHexString: (NSString *) hex {
const char *chars = [hex UTF8String];
int i = 0, len = hex.length;
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:len / 2];
char byteChars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
unsigned long wholeByte;
while (i < len) {
byteChars[0] = chars[i++];
byteChars[1] = chars[i++];
wholeByte = strtoul(byteChars, NULL, 16);
[data appendBytes:&wholeByte length:1];
return data;
then this is how i managed to decrypt the damn thing:
NSData *keyData = [Utilities dataFromHexString:key];
ccStatus = CCCrypt(encryptOrDecrypt,
[keyData bytes],
[keyData length],
(void *)bufferPtr,
Sorry for wasting your time :)