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angularjs - how to reference value defined in same module

I'm writing a configuration module that includes two .value recipes:

  • baseURL
  • a number of REST api URLs which go on top of the baseURL

I've currently set these up as .value but they could just as easily be .constant

Since I want to be able to change baseURL without having to rewrite all API urls I need to reference the baseURL i've just defined - in the same module:

var configuration = angular.module('configuration', []); 

    baseURL : '',     // define Base URL

configuration.value('ApiList', {
    getMyDataLink1 : this.baseURL + 'rest/folder1/action1/api_key/',
    getMyDataLink2 : this.baseURL + 'rest/folder2/action2/api_key/',
    getMyDataLink3 : this.baseURL + 'rest/folder3/action3/api_key/',

when I test the variables:

  • Config.baseURL outputs correctly as
  • ApiList.getMyDataLink1 is only half defined since the this.baseURL part is not defined (ie it outputs undefinedrest/folder1/action1/api_key/ )

I've also tried defining the ApiList .value as:

getMyDataLink1 : Config.baseURL + 'rest/folder1/action1/api_key/', 
getMyDataLink1 : baseURL + 'rest/folder1/action1/api_key/', 

but either of those give an "Uncaught ReferenceError: XXXX is not defined" error...

Is it possible to reference a .value from another .value within the same module ?

EDIT: see

EDIT2: see where I've converted the 2nd .value to a .factory - then compare to the js-only method at the bottom of the fiddle - there must be a more concise way than this !?


  • as Gaurav pointed out it doesn't seem possible to inject anything into a .value recipe so the shortest and clearest way (from a maintainability perspective) i've found is to convert the concatenating .value recipe (ie the 2nd one) into a .factory recipe and inject the 'Config' .value variable:

    var configuration = angular.module('configuration', []); 
        baseURL : '',     // define Base URL
    configuration.factory('ApiList', ['Config', function(Config){
            getMyDataLink1 : Config.baseURL + 'rest/folder1/action1/api_key/',
            getMyDataLink2 : Config.baseURL + 'rest/folder2/action2/api_key/',
            getMyDataLink3 : Config.baseURL + 'rest/folder3/action3/api_key/'

    while this works (see, and is relatively succinct & clear, it does seem strange that .values can't simply be concatenated to other .values...