I'm trying to figure a little routine for my forum software (vBulletin 3.x which supports PHP routines via a hook system). I have this code from some research I did before but the conditional isn't functioning as I intended - it will only be 'true' if the start time is set to 0000 or later.
$regtime = gmdate('Hi');
$pnr_b1 = "2300";
$pnr_b2 = "0600";
if ($regtime > $pnr_b1 && $regtime < $pnr_b2) {
// prevent registration code
Can anyone help? For reference I'm running PHP Version 5.3.29 in case that influences your suggestions.
Instead comparing strings, you could also use DateTime
objects so that you could easily compare time:
$regtime = new DateTime('23:15');
$from_time = new DateTime('23:00');
$to_time = new DateTime('23:30');
if($regtime >= $from_time && $regtime <= $to_time) {
echo 'okay, process this';
} else {
echo 'not allowed';