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How to check in Scala if String is 'alphabetically growing'?

Lets define that String is 'alphabetically growing' when:

  1. Every letter is alphabetically bigger then previous one.
  2. It doesn't matter if letter is uppercase or not.

These Strings are 'alphabetically growing':

  • "abcde"
  • "aBfJz"

And these are not:

  • "abbcd"
  • "abdDz"
  • "zba"

Lets assume that we are checking Strings which contain only letters. Checking if String is 'growing' can be done in Scala with following code:

val str = "aBgjz"   
val growing = _ < _ ).mkString.equals(

This code works good but only for English letters. For Strings with Polish letters the result is wrong. In Polish alphabet letters are in following order:
a, ą, b, c, ć, d, e ...
so for:

val str = "aąbćdgz"

the result should be 'true'. So the question is:
How to check in Scala if given String is 'alphabetically growing' for a given locale?

val str = "aąbćdgz"
val locale_id = "pl_PL"
val growing = ......


  • scala> import java.util.Locale
    scala> import java.text.Collator
    scala> val collator = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("pl_PL"))
    scala> val str = "aąbćdgz"
    str: String = aąbćdgz
    scala> (s1:Char, s2:Char) =>, s2.toString) < 0 ).mkString.equals(
    res06: Boolean = true

    Though I do find this easier to read :

    scala> (str, str.tail).zipped.forall { case (s1,s2) =>,s2.toString) < 0 }
    res08: Boolean = true