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Capture the layout of all screens - Android App

I want to test android apps for accessibility violation. Is it possible to use uiautomator api and monkeyrunner api to capture the layout of all screens?


  • You can simply use AndroidViewClient's dump:

    $ dump --help
    usage: dump [OPTION]... [serialno]
      -H, --help                       prints this help                             
      -V, --verbose                    verbose comments                             
      -v, --version
      -I, --ignore-secure-device       ignore secure device                         
      -E, --ignore-version-check       ignores ADB version check                    
      -F, --force-view-server-use      force view server use (even if UiAutomator present)
      -S, --do-not-start-view-server   don't start ViewServer                       
      -k, --do-not-ignore-uiautomator-killed don't ignore UiAutomator killed              
      -w, --window=WINDOW              dump WINDOW content (default: -1, all windows)
      -i, --uniqueId                   dump View unique IDs                         
      -x, --position                   dump View positions                          
      -d, --content-description        dump View content descriptions               
      -c, --center                     dump View centers                            
      -f, --save-screenshot=FILE       save screenshot to file                      
      -W, --save-view-screenshots=DIR  save View screenshots to files in directory  
      -D, --do-not-dump-views          don't dump views, only useful if you specified -f or -W

    In you case, probably

    $ dump -d

    is enough.


    If you want something more complex than just saving the logical content of the screen, you can use culebra (another tool in AndroidViewClient) that allows you to generate automated tests using a GUI:

    $ culebra -UG -o

    You can interact with the mirror representation of the device screen in culebra's main window to generate the test. Save it. Run it on any device, even a completely different one.