Is there such of a constraint that can validate relationships in a Domain object?
For example if you had a Meeting object with Participants and an Organization. Is there a way that you could make the Meeting contain a constraint that the Participants were a member of the Organization object?
Besides the fact you can author your own types of constraints, you also have the ability to write your own validation routines using validator. The Grails documentation covers a lot of the details but a quick example would be:
class Meeting {
static belongsTo = [org: Orginization]
static hasMany = [partcipants: Person]
static constraints {
org(validator: {val, obj ->
if (obj.partcipants.find{ != }) return 'some.message.code'
Keep in mind the above is off the top of my head (and I have a head cold) but it should point you in the right direction.