I got stuck with the following problem.
I have search method which works fine:
override def search(code: Option[String],
title: Option[String],
employmentStatusCd: Option[Int],
employerId: Int) = MDB {
from(table)((p) =>
(p.code like code.map(v => s"%$v%").?)
and (p.title like title.map(v => s"%$v%").?)
and (p.employmentStatusCd === employmentStatusCd.?)
and (p.employerId === employerId))
How can I improve it to make search processing case insensitive? I know that I can use lower(...), for example:
(lower(pos.title) like lower(s"%$value%"))
But in this example property 'title' is not optional. How to combine optional property
(title.map(v => s"%$v%").?)
with lower(...) to make search case insensitive?
I get an exception if I write next:
lower(title.map(v => s"%$v%").?)
Thanks to jcern for clarification.
The correct method is:
override def search(code: Option[String],
title: Option[String],
employmentStatusCd: Option[Int],
employerId: Int) = MDB {
from(table)((p) =>
(lower(p.code) like code.map(v => s"%${v.toLowercase}%").?)
and (lower(p.title) like title.map(v => s"%${v.toLowercase}%").?)
and (p.employmentStatusCd === employmentStatusCd.?)
and (p.employerId === employerId))
We don't need to use server function to make constant string lowercase.