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How to detect ListView is scrolling up or down

Is there a way to detect that ScrollViwer of ListView is in scrolling mode and stopped scrolling. In windows phone 8.1 ListView we can not get reference of the scrollviewer.

Any one done it in windows phone 8.1 WinRT app?


  • Once the ListView is Loaded you can get the ScrollViewer like this:

    var sv = (ScrollViewer)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.ListV, 0), 0);


    As Romasz suggested, once you get the ScrollViewer, you can use its ViewChanged event, to monitor when it is scrolling and when it stops.

    Also, here's the generic extension method that I use for traversing the visual tree:

    // The method traverses the visual tree lazily, layer by layer
    // and returns the objects of the desired type
    public static IEnumerable<T> GetChildrenOfType<T>(this DependencyObject start) where T : class 
        var queue = new Queue<DependencyObject>();
        while (queue.Count > 0) {
            var item = queue.Dequeue();
            var realItem = item as T;
            if (realItem != null) {
                 yield return realItem;
            int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(item);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                queue.Enqueue(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(item, i));

    To get the ScrollViewer using this methos, do this:

    var sv = yourListView.GetChildrenOfType<ScrollViewer>().First();