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Membership reboot replace Ninject with Simple Injector

I need add membership reboot (RavenDb) into the project that use IOC Simple Injector

Ninject implementation

var config = MembershipRebootConfig.Create();
kernel.Bind<UserAccountService<HierarchicalUserAccount>>().ToSelf();   kernel.Bind<AuthenticationService<HierarchicalUserAccount().To<SamAuthenticationService<HierarchicalUserAccount>>();
kernel.Bind<IUserAccountRepository<HierarchicalUserAccount>>().ToMethod(ctx => new BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.RavenDb.RavenUserAccountRepository("RavenDb"));
kernel.Bind<IUserAccountQuery>().ToMethod(ctx => new BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.RavenDb.RavenUserAccountRepository("RavenDb"));

Simple Injector implementation

container.Register<AuthenticationService<HierarchicalUserAccount>, SamAuthenticationService<HierarchicalUserAccount>>();
container.Register<IUserAccountRepository<HierarchicalUserAccount>>(() => new RavenUserAccountRepository("RavenDb"), Lifestyle.Singleton);
container.Register<IUserAccountQuery>(() => new RavenUserAccountRepository("RavenDb"));

On row


I have an error For the container to be able to create UserAccountService, it should contain exactly one public constructor, but it has 2. Parameter name: TConcrete

Thanks for your help.


  • Simple Injector forces you to let your components to have one single public constructor, because having multiple injection constructors is an anti-pattern.

    In case the UserAccountService is part of your code base, you should remove the constructor that should not be used for auto-wiring.

    In case the UserAccountService is part of a reusable library, you should prevent using your container's auto-wiring capabilities in that case as described here. In that case you should fallback to wiring the type yourself and let your code call into the proper constructor, for instance:

    container.Register<UserAccountService<HierarchicalUserAccount>>(() =>
        new UserAccountService<HierarchicalUserAccount>(