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Ignoring RouteValues with MvcSitemapprovider MVC 5 Unity

I have an MVC 5 application with Unity DI using the MvcSiteMapProvider package from NuGet. I'm trying to use the ignore MvcSiteMapProvider_AttributesToIgnore appSetting in my web.config file like the following

<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_AttributesToIgnore" value="type" />

But when my sitemap is displayed, the urls have the ignored value as the querystring.

There is a section in the MvcSiteMapProvider documentation that reads

If using an external DI container, this setting can be found on the constructor of the ReservedAttributeNameProvider in a parameter named "attributesToIgnore", which is type IEnumerable

I'm using Unity so I wonder if I need to add this to my container somehow, but I don't know how.

Any ideas on how to ignore route values?


  • You just need to add the settings to the ReservedAttributeNameProvider as described in the documentation:

    // Prepare for the sitemap node providers
    this.Container.RegisterType<IXmlSource, FileXmlSource>("file1XmlSource", new InjectionConstructor(absoluteFileName));
    this.Container.RegisterType<IReservedAttributeNameProvider, ReservedAttributeNameProvider>(
        // Add the attributes to ignore here
        new InjectionConstructor(new string[] { "type", "value2" }));

    Tip: You can always find out what dependencies a class has by temporarily newing up the class and looking at the parameters with Intellisense.

    new ReservedAttributeNameProvider( 
    // Type the above in Visual Studio and you will see the constructor parameters
    // in a tooltip