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Error: Could not get list of graphs from Rexster

I have problems with Rexsters Doghouse. When I access the doghouse I just see a black page with a small menu and under that there is an error saying

 Error: Could not get list of graphs from Rexster

I've read that this problem can occur if one tries to access doghouse from an uri other than the base uri. My base uri is localhost:8080 and I've set this in the rexster.xml


When I view the souce code in the doghouse page I can see that my changes have been applied since I can see: var GREMLIN_VERSION = "2.4.0"; var BASE_URI = "http:// localhost:8080/"

(Note, the reason why I use server port 8080 is because I've deployed Rexster in Tomcat).

I have no idea what is wrong.


  • Rexster doesn't officially support Tomcat deployment (though if you searching through the Gremlin users mailing list, you will find a few people who have gotten it to work).

    That said, if you've managed to get so far that the BASE_URI is getting set in the JS, then I guess you are most of the way there. I would first validate that the REST API is properly serving and try to resolve:

    curl http://localhost:8080/graphs

    which should return something like with the default graph configurations:

      version: "x.y.z",
      name: "Rexster: A Graph Server",
      graphs: [
      queryTime: 0.480984,
      upTime: "0[d]:00[h]:01[m]:40[s]"

    That's the route that Dog House should be calling to get the available graphs - I assume it isn't returning somehow. If you can solve why that is a problem then you should be able get things working.