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Cometd with Spring-MVC for personalized chatting

I am working in a Spring-MVC application and I would like to include personalized chat as a feature in it. After some research I found out Cometd to be a suitable option. After going through the documentation and forever repeating samples, I have a little bit of setup which I have done. I need some help to integrate a personalized chat service in the spring-mvc app, and enabling private chat when user pushes chat button.

So basically, I found out, "/service/chat" can be used for private chat, so I have a class for that, and to use private chat, I must have a mapping of userid<-->sessionId, but I cannot find examples anywhere how to do it. I am posting some of the code I have, kindly let me know what is remaining to do, and if possible, some resources, samples for that.

Controller code:

public class MessageController {

    private MessageService messageService;

    @Autowired(required = true)
    @Qualifier(value ="messageService")
    public void setMessageService(MessageService messageService){this.messageService=messageService;}

   @RequestMapping(value = "/startchatting", produces = "application/text")
    public String startChattingService(){
    return "OK";

    @RequestMapping(value = "/stopchatting",produces = "application/text")
    public String stopChatting(){
        return "OK";


Private Message Service :

public class PrivateMessageService {

    private ServerSession session;

    public void handlePrivateMessage(ServerSession sender, ServerMessage message){

        String userId = (String) message.get("targetUserId");

        //Mapping code necessary to map userids to session-id's.
        //ServerSession recipient = findServerSessionFromUserId(userId);


CometConfigurer :

public class CometConfigurer {
    private BayeuxServer bayeuxServer;
    private ServerAnnotationProcessor processor;

    public void setBayeuxServer(BayeuxServer bayeuxServer){this.bayeuxServer = bayeuxServer;}

    public void init() {this.processor= new ServerAnnotationProcessor(bayeuxServer);}

    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
        System.out.println("Configuring service " + name);
        return bean;

    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
        return bean;

    public void postProcessBeforeDestruction(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {

    @Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop")
    public BayeuxServer bayeuxServer() {
        BayeuxServerImpl bean = new BayeuxServerImpl();
      //  bean.setOption(BayeuxServerImpl.LOG_LEVEL, "3");
        return bean;

    public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
        servletContext.setAttribute(BayeuxServer.ATTRIBUTE, bayeuxServer);

Cometd beans :

   <beans:bean id="bayeuxServer" class="org.cometd.server.BayeuxServerImpl" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop"/>

I have directly included the JSP files which have cometd configuration and setup from, and modified them to serve my needs. Kindly let me know what else is remaining, all suggestions are welcome, I am unable to find any examples for same task on net, which are detailed, and have more code then explanation. Thank you.


  • Using Spring 4.x's new WebSocket feature would definitely work; moreover, this new module ships with lots of very interesting features for your use case:

    • STOMP protocol support
    • messaging abstractions
    • session management
    • pub/sub mechanisms
    • etc

    You can check this nice chat application that demonstrates all those features.