I am having some trouble with the XParser class in Fantom, I am trying to get at the data between the tags in XML. There's one that gets the type of data but I'm having trouble with the one that will get the actual data. Thank you!
An example of what you're trying to achieve would be useful (like an XML snippet showing the data you're trying to isolate), as the question is not too clear.
The default means to selecting XML in Fantom is pretty basic and involves you traversing lists of immediate child nodes. Specifically see XElem.elems() and XElem.elem(Str name).
Example usage looks like:
using xml
class Example {
Void main() {
root := XParser("<root>
<wotsit>My Text</wotsit>
// find by traversing element lists
wotsit := root.elems[0].elems[0]
echo(wotsit.writeToStr) // --> <wotsit>My Text</wotsit>
// find by element name
wotsit = root.elem("thingy").elem("wotsit")
echo(wotsit.writeToStr) // --> <wotsit>My Text</wotsit>
// get wotsit text
echo(wotsit.text.val) // --> My Text
If you are familiar with using CSS selectors to find XML then you may like to try Sizzle from Alien-Factory:
using xml
using afSizzle
class Example {
Void main() {
sizzleDoc := SizzleDoc("<root><thingy><wotsit/></thingy></root>")
// find by CSS selector
wotsit = sizzleDoc.select("wotsit").first
echo(wotsit.writeToStr) // --> <wotsit>My Text</wotsit>
// get wotsit text
echo(wotsit.text.val) // --> My Text