The app I'm working on has been developed by using MVC and AngularJs. It's not a SPA app.I need to do bundling and minification of my JS files.I know how to do it on "Layout page".For that I have used this Bundling and Minification tutorial.
But My question is how can I Minification my JS file on each and every *.cshtml page ? And I need that JS file as unminified when I do the debug.Can I achieve that ? Any help would be highly appreciated.
Here is my "index.cshtml" page with JS file resides on bottom of the page.I would like to do Minification this js file.
//removed html code for clarity
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Resources/js/controllers/MyTestController.js"> </script>
Add a new ScriptBundle
in BundleConfig.cs
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/yourFile").Include(
"..." // your file(s)
and in you view