I have a Three.js scene, where I have set renderer's preserveDrawingBuffer:true because I want to use renderer.toDataURL to take a snapshot of what is on the canvas, and I also use renderer.autoClear = false because I am using 2 scenes with one camera each (one renderer of course).
The problem is that when I move the camera with orbitControls, the objects do not animate as they should, their previous states stay on the canvas and they are creating an ugly painting ( they are not erased) because of the preserveDrawingBuffer:true setting.
What can I do to have both the snapshot functionality the 2 scenes/cameras and the orbit controls?
Thank you.
If you are instantiating WebGLRenderer
and preserving the drawing buffer like so:
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { preserveDrawingBuffer: true } );
And if you are setting
renderer.autoClear = false;
you will have to call renderer.clear()
before rendering like so:
renderer.render( scene, camera );
three.js r.69