I have a Access Report that I have been working on that uses a formula in the Details to add up rows. Then I am wanting to Grand Total that Total column. The Total on the row is working perfectly, however the Grand Total is not adding everything up correctly.
Formula Total for each Row
=IIf([Pkg] Like "*Large Drum*",[SQtyProd]*[DrmChrg],[SQtyPD]*[PltChrg])+[XPallet]+[OrderChg]+[Label]+[Wrap]+[Labor]+[Rush]
Grand Total Formula in Footer
=Sum(IIf([Pkg] Like "*Large Drum*",[SQtyProd]*[DrmChrg],[SQtyPD]*[PltChrg])+[XPallet]+[OrderChg]+[Label]+[Wrap]+[Labor]+[Rush])
SQL from Report
SELECT DISTINCT tblShipping.SDate, tblShipping.shpOrder, tblShipping.shpSKU, tblShipping.shpSKU, tblShipping.shpLot, tblShipping.shpQtyProd, tblShipping.shpQtyPD, tblShipping.shpXPallet, tblShipping.shpOrderChg, tblShipping.shpLabel, tblShipping.shpLabel1, tblShipping.shpWrap, tblShipping.shpBand, tblShipping.shpLabor, tblShipping.shpLabor1, tblShipping.shpRush, tblPricing.*, tblProduct.*, tblInvoice.*
FROM tblPricing, tblInvoice, tblProduct INNER JOIN tblShipping ON tblProduct.SKU = tblShipping.[shpSKU]
WHERE (((tblShipping.SDate) Between [Forms]![frmInvoice]![ctrSDate] And [Forms]![frmInvoice]![ctrEDate]));
I fixed it by creating a total for each column in the footer and then adding those together in the grand total field. Finally I hid those labels so they wouldn't be seen.