I want to add, additionally to my real name, my nickname (or alias or AKA) which I am better acknowledged on the web; into my public pgp key.
What's the proper way to get this done on gpg?
There are multiple choices. Which way to go for depends on your needs and preferences. A brief discussion about advantages and disadvantages of the individual ones:
The "usenet" style, adding the pseudonym in quotes between the given and last name:
John 'Random Hacker' Doe <john@example.org>
I'd prefer this version, making it clear what the pseudonym part is and not misusing the comment field, but it might prevent some (few) from signing your key if they're strict in their naming policy.
(Mis)using the comment field:
John Doe (Random Hacker) <john@example.org>
Probably with less problems while getting signatures for your key, but the use of the comment field is often regarded critical.
Adding a separate user ID:
John Doe <john@example.org>
Random Hacker <hacker@example.net>
Especially a good idea when having a separate mail address for the nick name. You probably will not get signatures on that user ID. If you're going for this way, consider putting the pseudonym in quotes anyway and maybe even create a separate key for it.