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grouping a date range by month in Crystal reports

I have a SP in SQL that will pull data based on a start and end date. What I am trying to achieve in Crystal Reports is a way to group them by Month. most of the account only have 1 usage per month but now an again a few have more that one and I like to have crystal reports display them as a grouped total.

I think I need to make a formula that says is the date month is equal to 01 for Jan 02 for Feb, etc.

But I don't know how to write it.

any suggestions are very welcome


  • Adding a group for month is fairly simple in Crystal Reports - a good tutorial for an older version can be found here.

    In simple steps:

    1. Insert a group section onto your report.
    2. Group on the date field
    3. Select the dropdown for "this section will be printed:" and choose "for each month"