I want to add a trailing slash to all URL's with varnish (via 301 redirect).
I was surprised I couldn't find anything about online anywhere, however.
This was the closest I got, but is obviously broken because it doesn't account for query strings or or anything with a . in it.
if (req.url !~ "/$") {
return (synth (751, ""));
sub vcl_synth {
if (resp.status == 750) {
set resp.status = 301;
set resp.http.Location = "http://www.example.com" + req.url;
Test cases I want to account for
-> www.example.com/xyz/?query=string
(add www, add /)
-> www.example.com/api/latest.json
(add www, dont add /)
Here is a solution for Varnish 3 that you could translate into Varnish 4. I don't have Varnish 4 handy myself:
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.http.Host !~ "^www\." || (
req.url !~ {"(?x)
(?:/$) # last character isn't a slash
| # or
(?:/\?) # query string isn't immediately preceded by a slash
"} &&
req.url ~ {"(?x)
(?:/[^./]+$) # last path segment doesn't contain a . no query string
| # or
(?:/[^.?]+\?) # last path segment doesn't contain a . with a query string
) {
error 720;
sub vcl_error {
if (obj.status == 720) {
set obj.status = 301;
set obj.http.Location = "http://";
set obj.http.Host = req.http.Host;
if (obj.http.Host !~ "^www\.") {
// for www. prefix
set obj.http.Host = "www." + obj.http.Host;
set obj.http.Location = obj.http.Location + obj.http.Host;
if (req.url ~ "(?:/[^./]+$)|(?:/[^.?]+\?)") {
// no . in last path segment before optional query string
if (req.url !~ "/$" && req.url !~ "\?") {
// no trailing slash and no query string
set obj.http.Location = obj.http.Location + req.url + "/";
} else if (req.url ~ "[^/]\?") {
// no trailing slash and with query string, preserve it
set obj.http.Location = obj.http.Location +
regsub(req.url, "([^?]+)\?.*", "\1") +
"/" +
regsub(req.url, "[^?]+(\?.*)", "\1");
} else if (obj.http.Host != req.http.Host) {
// trailing slash rule met, handle missing www. scenario
set obj.http.Location = obj.http.Location + req.url;
} else if (obj.http.Host != req.http.Host) {
// last path segment contains a . so handle missing www. scenario
set obj.http.Location = obj.http.Location + req.url;
set obj.response = "Moved Permanently";
I have a Varnish test case file that exercises the various URLs you are interested in as well:
varnishtest "Testing adding trailing slash"
server s1 {
txresp -body "hello world"
} -repeat 4 -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
include "${pwd}/26921577.vcl";
} -start
client c1 {
txreq -url "/document/" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "hello world"
} -run
client c2 {
txreq -url "/document" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/document/"
} -run
client c3 {
txreq -url "/document/" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/document/"
} -run
client c4 {
txreq -url "/document" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/document/"
} -run
client c5 {
txreq -url "/xyz/?query=string" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "hello world"
} -run
client c6 {
txreq -url "/xyz?query=string" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/xyz/?query=string"
} -run
client c7 {
txreq -url "/xyz/?query=string" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/xyz/?query=string"
} -run
client c8 {
txreq -url "/xyz?query=string" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/xyz/?query=string"
} -run
client c9 {
txreq -url "/api/latest.json" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "hello world"
} -run
client c10 {
txreq -url "/api/latest.json" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/api/latest.json"
} -run
client c11 {
txreq -url "/api/latest.json?query=string" -hdr "Host: www.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "hello world"
} -run
client c12 {
txreq -url "/api/latest.json?query=string" -hdr "Host: example.com"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.Location == "http://www.example.com/api/latest.json?query=string"
} -run
varnish v1 -expect client_req == 12