I'm trying to change a thread priority within my script, without success, here are the details.
$thr = threads->new(\&someFunction,
$shared variable 1,
$shared variable 2,
I've tried using threads::State
Without success
So, I thought the Win32::API
must work
my $functionGetLastError= Win32::API->new('Kernel32',
my $functionSetThreadPriority= Win32::API->new('Kernel32',
'II', # I've tried 'PI' and 'II' as well
my $h = $thr->_handle();
my $success = $functionSetThreadPriority->Call( $h, 2 );
warn "Return Error #".$functionGetLastError->Call() if !$success;
Again, without success: (, but now I have a clue, the script return error number
last Error 6
From MSDN site, System Error Codes (0-499), it seems that the error is
What am I doing wrong?
weirdly returns a HANDLE*
, while SetThreadPriority
expects a HANDLE
. You need to dereference the pointer, which you can do as follows:
use constant THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 2;
sub SetThreadPriority {
my ($thread, $priority) = @_;
# $thread->_handle() returns a HANDLE*.
my $handle_ptr = $thread->_handle();
my $packed_handle = unpack('P'.HANDLE_SIZE, pack(PTR_FORMAT, $handle_ptr));
my $handle = unpack(HANDLE_FORMAT, $packed_handle);
state $SetThreadPriority = (
Win32::API->new('Kernel32', 'SetThreadPriority', 'Ni', 'i')
or die("Loading SetThreadPriority: $^E\n")
return $SetThreadPriority->Call($handle, $priority);
Here's the full test program:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say state );
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Carp qw( croak );
use Config qw( %Config );
use Win32::API qw( );
sub uint_format {
$_[0] == 4 ? 'L'
: $_[0] == 8 ? 'Q'
: croak("Unsupported")
use constant PTR_SIZE => $Config{ptrsize};
use constant PTR_FORMAT => uint_format(PTR_SIZE);
use constant HANDLE_SIZE => PTR_SIZE;
use constant THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 2;
sub SetThreadPriority {
my ($thread, $priority) = @_;
# $thread->_handle() returns a HANDLE*.
my $handle_ptr = $thread->_handle();
my $packed_handle = unpack('P'.HANDLE_SIZE, pack(PTR_FORMAT, $handle_ptr));
my $handle = unpack(HANDLE_FORMAT, $packed_handle);
state $SetThreadPriority = (
Win32::API->new('Kernel32', 'SetThreadPriority', 'Ni', 'i')
or die("Loading SetThreadPriority: $^E\n")
return $SetThreadPriority->Call($handle, $priority);
my $done :shared = 0;
my $thread = async {
{ lock($done); cond_wait($done) while !$done; }
my $rv = SetThreadPriority($thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
say $rv ? "Success" : "Error: $^E";
{ lock($done); $done = 1; cond_broadcast($done); }
Notice that you can use $^E
to access GetLastError
SetThreadPriority($handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)
or die("SetThreadPriority: $^E\n";