I have a text field in my database:
DECLARE @vchText varchar(max) =
This is a string<>Test1<>Test2<>Test
That @vchText parameter should return like this:
This is a string:
1. Test1
2. Test2
3. Test
Anyone think of a good way to correct this. I was thinking the STUFF and CHARINDEX Functions with a WHILE LOOP...?
Something I should also note would be that there might not be only 1,2,3 items in the list there could be lots more so I can't build it so its static and only handles 1,2,3 it should be able to work for any number of items in the list.
I was able to do it with a loop and use the stuff and charindex below.
DECLARE @vchText varchar(max) =
This is a string<>Test1<>Test2<>Test
DECLARE @positionofNextX INT = CHARINDEX('<>', @vchText)
DECLARE @nbrOFListItems INT = 1
WHILE @positionofNextX != 0
SET @NOTE = STUFF( @vchText, @positionofNextX, 4, CAST(@nbrOFListItems AS VARCHAR(1)) + '. ')
SET @positionofNextX = CHARINDEX('<>', @vchText)
--increment the list item number
SET @nbrOFListItems = @nbrOFListItems + 1
print @vchText