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How do I estimate the execution time of a SQL Server Update Statement?

I would like to perform an update statement impacting 10 million rows. It is a simple update like

SET ColumnX = 0;

I did notice that a simple SELECT like

SELECT Column 
FROM Table

takes about 34 seconds.

As it is a table used in production and the table is rather big (2,8 GB data, index 1,6 GB) I would like to estimate the runtime before executing the statement.

The update is performed on SQL Server 2008 R2.

Is there a possibility to obtain the estimated runtime?


  • There is no way to estimate this.

    You ~could~ backup the database, restore it on similar hardware...and try that. But since no one will probably be hitting the restored-backup, even that is not an exact measurement.

    If you can deal with having the updates occur....but without a transaction (aka, its ok for some rows to have the correct value for a few seconds...while the others do not), then I would invite the goldie locks approach.

    Goldie Locks would be........not all the rows in one hit, but not row by row either.

    Here is a pointer...Update TOP N ...

    Maybe try 1,000 or 10,000 or something like that.


    Below is a modified example. I have 1,000 rows. I update 100 rows at a time, so it loops 10 times (10 x 100 = 1000) update the column.

    It's a "goldie locks" trick..........I think this would serve you well on a real production db under load.

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Television]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
                DROP TABLE [dbo].[Television]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Television] (
          TelevisionUUID [uniqueidentifier] not null default NEWSEQUENTIALID() ,
          TelevisionName varchar(64) not null ,
          TelevisionKey int not null ,
          IsCheckedOut bit default 0
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Television ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Television_TelevisionUUID
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Television ADD CONSTRAINT CK_Television_TelevisionName_UNIQUE
    UNIQUE (TelevisionName)
    set nocount on
    declare @counter int
    select @counter = 11000
    declare @currentTVName varchar(24)
    declare @TopSize int
    select @TopSize = 100
    while @counter > 10000  /*  this loop counter is ONLY here for fake data,….do not use this syntax for production code */
          select @currentTVName = 'TV:' + convert(varchar(24) , @counter)
          INSERT into dbo.Television ( TelevisionName , TelevisionKey ) values ( @currentTVName , @counter)
          select @counter = @counter - 1     
    select count(*) as TV_Total_COUNT from dbo.Television
    print ''
    print 'Checked Out Items, Should be Zero at this point'
    select count(*) as PRE_UPDATE_COUNT from dbo.Television tv where tv.IsCheckedOut <> 0
    --Does not Work!
    Update TOP (10) dbo.Television
          Set IsCheckedOut = 1
          dbo.Television tv
    ORDER BY tv.TelevisionKey
    declare @AuditTrail table ( TelevisionUUID uniqueidentifier , OldIsCheckedOut bit , NewIsCheckedOut bit )
    declare @LoopCounter int
    select @LoopCounter = 0
    while exists ( Select top 1 * from dbo.Television tv where tv.IsCheckedOut = 0  )
                select @LoopCounter = @LoopCounter + 1
                /*print '/@LoopCounter/'
                print @LoopCounter
                print ''*/
                    WITH cte1 AS      
                     (  SELECT
                          TOP (@TopSize)
                       TelevisionUUID , /* <<Note, the columns here must be available to the output */
                                dbo.Television tv     
                        WITH ( UPDLOCK, READPAST , ROWLOCK ) --<<Optional Hints, but helps with concurrency issues  
                                IsCheckedOut = 0             
                          ORDER BY tv.TelevisionKey DESC       /* This order by is optional */
                    UPDATE cte1
                          SET  IsCheckedOut = 1
                    output inserted.TelevisionUUID , deleted.IsCheckedOut , inserted.IsCheckedOut into @AuditTrail ( TelevisionUUID , OldIsCheckedOut , NewIsCheckedOut )
    print '/Number of Update Loops/'
    print @LoopCounter
    print ''
    print ''
    print 'Newly Checked Out Items'
    select count(*) as POST_UPDATE_COUNT from dbo.Television tv where tv.IsCheckedOut <> 0
    print 'Output AuditTrail'
    select * from @AuditTrail
    print 'Not checked out items'
    select count(*) as TVCOUNTIsNOTCheckedOut from dbo.Television tv where tv.IsCheckedOut = 0