I am a seasoned C and Java programmer, but an absolute WPF newbie.
I am creating a kiosk application that will display a list of images of products that the user will click to see product details and maybe place an order.
I am trying to structure my app with MVVM Foundation because I am used to the benefits of structure and tests.
I wonder what is the most natural way to create a grid of clickable images that will fill the screen left to right, top to bottom (or the other way round, I have no exact requirements).
Any image should be bound to an object that will become current and be displayed in the next screen. Thanks for your help.
OK! Listen up! Here is how you do that! :) 1) Use ItemsControl together with UniformGrid to get automatic aligment
<Button Width="50" Height="50"/>
<Button Width="50" Height="50"/>
<Button Width="50" Height="50"/>
2) Populate ItemsControl with data from your viewmodel
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ImageList}"...
public ObservableCollection<ClickableImage> ImageList
get { return m_ImageList;}
... constructor
m_ImageList = new ObservableCollection<ClickableImage>();
m_ImageList.Add(new ClickableImage("image.png");