I have 4 buttons in my app.If i click on first button Popover view will come.when i press on the screen that Popover view will disappear.(This is first method.It is working fine)
Second Method If i click on first button popover view will come and next if i click on the 2nd button that Popover View should automatically has to disappear and the second button Popover View has to come.
But for me it is not coming like that.If i click on the 2nd button it disappearing the 1st button Popover View and not displaying the 2nd button Popover View.
I am new to Objective-c ,Can anyone please help to solve this problem?
Thanks in Adavnce
I don`t understand you problem very well, but i hope this helps, on the method that call the pop over.
- (void)callMyPopOver
if (self.firstPopOver != nil)
[self.firstPopOver dismissPopoverAnimated:NO];
//call your second pop over..