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Vectorized version of for-loop + numpy.where

Background info: I have a large number (N) of particles in 3D. For all particle pairs [i,j] that have certain properties, I compute a geometrical factor c[i,j]. Then I want to sum up the contribution of all pairs [i,j] for a fixed i and call this c[i] (and repeat this procedure for all particles i).

Typically the number of relevant pairs is much smaller than N^2, so having an (N,N)-dimensional array C with the relevant information at the positions [i,j] and a lot of zeros elsewhere is fairly quick with numpy, but also very inefficient in terms of memory usage. So now I am just storing the C[i,j] for the relevant pairs and the particles forming the pairs in 1D arrays.

That is probably best illustrated in an example: Say, I have two pairs consisting of the particles (3,5) and (3,10). Schematically, my variables then look like this (double-counting intended):

i = [3,3,5,10]  #list of particles i that form a pair
j = [5,10,3,3]  #corresponding particles j (not used in the later example) 
cij = [c35,c310,-c35,-c310] #(with actual numbers in reality)

Now it really boils down to finding an efficient vectorized way to rewrite the following for loop:

for a in part_list:
    cond = np.where(i == a)
    ci[a] = np.sum(cij[cond])

Other solutions I have thought of, but would like to avoid:

a) Parallelize the for-loop: Not feasible b/c this is embedded in an external loop which I want to parallelize at some point.

b) Write the for-loop in C and wrap it into Python: Seems like an overkill for this (hopefully) rather simple problem.


  • You can get what you want with np.bincount. If your particles where sequentially numbered from 0 up, you could simply do:

    ci = np.bincount(i, weights= cij)

    To see what this does:

    >>> i = [3, 3, 5, 10]
    >>> j = [5, 10, 3, 3]
    >>> cij = [0.1, 0.2, -0.1, -0.2]
    >>> np.bincount(i, weights= cij)
    array([ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0.3,  0. , -0.1,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. , -0.2])

    If you do not want all of those extra zeros, you could do something like:

    >>> unq_i, inv_i = np.unique(i, return_inverse=True)
    >>> unq_ci = np.bincount(inv_i, weights=cij)
    >>> unq_i
    array([ 3,  5, 10])
    >>> unq_ci
    array([ 0.3, -0.1, -0.2])

    And you could later assign these unique values by doing something like:

    ci[unq_i] = unq_ci