I need to construct a date which will display only day and month example:- 23 Dec . I have day value and month value only but how do I use SimpleDateFormat to construct a formatted date with format like "dd-MMM".How do I modified the below method to return the formatted date?
public String formatDate(String day, String month, String year) {
// Do something with the date chosen by the user
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM");
Suppose if I call above method like formatDate("11","1","") then it should return me "11 Jan".
This should work:
The year value is set to 0 since you do not have it but you can pass that in to the set method.
public String formatDate(String day, String month, String year) {
// Do something with the date chosen by the user
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM");
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.set(0, Integer.parseInt(month)-1, Integer.parseInt(day));
return df.format(c.getTimeInMillis());