I'm currently using Dense SIFT from vlfeat. But I got only a single keypoint & descriptor out from the code. But the number of keypoints returned was more. How to extract all the keypoints & descriptors.
Also Descriptor was a single value and it should be of 128 X N.
The code is as follows.
The vlkeypoints size was only one. How to extract all the keypoints?
img = imread("filename.jpg");
// create filter
vlf = vl_dsift_new(img.rows, img.cols, 1, 3);
// transform image in cv::Mat to float vector
std::vector<float> imgvec;
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; ++i){
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; ++j){
imgvec.push_back(img.at<unsigned char>(i,j) / 255.0f);
// call processing function of vl
vl_dsift_process(vlf, &imgvec[0]);
// echo number of keypoints found
std::cout << vl_dsift_get_keypoint_num(vlf) << std::endl;
// Extract keypoints
VlDsiftKeypoint * vlkeypoints;
vlkeypoints = vl_dsift_get_keypoints(vlf);
for (int i = 0; i < numKeyPoints; i++) {
cout << vlkeypoints[i].x << endl;
cout << vlkeypoints[i].y << endl;