I am given a context-free grammar that defines what a valid arithmetic expression is in the given situation. And the question is to write it in haskell and Prolog. Here is the CFG.
Expr ::= lit(i)
| add(Expr, Expr)
| sub(Expr, Expr)
In Haskell it is fairly simple. I just use a data type, call it Expr and off I go. Here's what I wrote:
data Expr = Lit Integer |
Add Expr Expr |
Sub Expr Expr
But I am fairly stuck about writing it in Prolog. Furthermore, running expr(E), where E is an arithmetic expression, should evaluate to true if it really is an expression that is valid by the definition of the CFG. So far, I wrote this, but I don't think it is correct. So help me figure it out.
expr(lit(i), i).
expr(add(expr(), expr()), Res).
expr(sub(expr(), expr()), Res).
Since you're not required to evaluate the expression, the code could be
expr(add(E1,E2)) :- expr(E1), expr(E2).
expr(sub(E1,E2)) :- expr(E1), expr(E2).