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How to expect a new arraylist object in powermock?

I have a code which has below two new List objects of different type:

List<TypeOne> typeOneList =  new ArrayList<TypeOne>();
List<TypeTwo> typeTwoList =  new ArrayList<TypeTwo>();

How can I use PowerMock.expectNew() to return two different ArrayList objects? Like..


How we can differentiate in the above statement as for which statement the objects corresponds to?



  • Well. You have to define in the below way in the order you want..

    PowerMock.expectNew(ArrayList.class).andReturn(typeOneList); //first expect list object of TypeOne
    PowerMock.expectNew(ArrayList.class).andReturn(typeTwoList); //then expect list object of TypeTwo

    and powermock will return the objects in the order of expectations when the below code executes:

    List<TypeOne> typeOneList =  new ArrayList<TypeOne>();
    List<TypeTwo> typeTwoList =  new ArrayList<TypeTwo>();