I have looked through the documentation of the Deezer API and I am unable to fully comprehend how to add a track through their API with PHP, if you can at all. - This is lack of understanding rather than poor documentation.
I am looking for a way to add 100 tracks to a new playlist each week. I have read up on Deez's use of OAuth and the Track API object but I can not for the life me understand how to make the authentication.
In essence, what I am trying to achieve is a web based application where a user can add songs to a playlist. From what I believe, Deezer's OAuth asks a user to allow permissions, but I want my application to have full control of my playlist without having to ask people to login and grant them.
Could I please have more information on whether this is possible and without having to grant permission each time? It would not interact with any other user accounts, but my own.
I have since figured out how to add the track using OAuth. However, for someone else to add a track after submitting using a form (step 3), they would need to login to and accept the OAuth Permissions. Is there a way I can just set it so my code always has permission to add tracks to the playlist?
First, you have to get a token (just like here: http://developers.deezer.com/api/explorer) if you want to create a private playlist, or just create a public collaborative playlist (so people can add tracks to your playlist).
The first thing you have to do is to create a playlist via a POST call to user/me|[your user ID]/playlist (http://developers.deezer.com/api/user/playlists) and the access token.
Then you just have to execute a POST call to /playlyst[ID of your playlist]/tracks (http://developers.deezer.com/api/playlist/tracks) to add the defined tracks.