Im trying to fwrite()
a dynamic array with a function.
The problem are the pointers inside the fopen()
While successfully fwrite()
the dynamic array to file, from the main function, when trying to move fwrite()
to a separate function troubles occur with the pointers. In specific the pointers pointing to the array, which are located inside fwrite()
within the function.
here is the relevant code.
unsigned char **pixels_array = NULL; //write this array to file
allocateArray(&pixels_array); //prepare array
writeFile(unsigned char ***pixels_array) //param is pointer to double pointer array
FILE *file = fopen(output_filename, "wb"); //open file
if (file == NULL)
for(i = 0; i < height; i++) //writing row by row of the array to file
//seg fault when running with current pointers to pixels_array in fwrite()
fwrite((&(*(*pixels_array)))[i], sizeof(unsigned char) * padded_width, 1, file);
allocateArray(unsigned char ***pixels_array)
*pixels_array = (unsigned char**)malloc(height * sizeof(unsigned char*)); //image y coord.
for(i = 0; i < height; i++)
//(allocate scanlines) image x coord., no sizeof(unsigned char*) because == 1
(*pixels_array)[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(width);
You get a seg fault when dealing with pointers when there are some errors in allocation ,so can yo provide your allocation function too?
And if want to write a row to the file you can simply use:
fwrite((*(pixels_array))[i],rest is same);