This is my first python personal project. I am wanting to use Tkinter to create a window (GUARDIAN LOCATOR) that asks the user to input a value (enter sailor guardian) into the entry box. The rest of the program is dependent on what the user types in the entry box as I will be having if/else statements reacting to the sailor guardian entered.
The issue I am having is storing what is entered in the entry box as a variable to use in my main file for the if/else statements. I can get the value to print to the prompt window, but I haven't been able to store it successfully to a global variable.
My Tkinter window is in it's own class.
I have tried many different ways of doing this based on similar issues from stackoverflow, but I am getting an error every time. This is my base code that still produces the error.
class GuardianLocator:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master)
master.title("GUARDIAN LOCATOR")
self.locator_label = Label(frame, text="Which Sailor Guardian are you looking for?", width=40, height=2)
self.entry = Entry(frame)
self.button1 = Button(frame, text="Search", command=self.guardian_name, pady=2)
def guardian_name(self):
root = Tk()
locator = guardian_locator.GuardianLocator(root)
if locator.guardian_input() is "Sailor Moon":
Not sure exactly how your code is organized and where is your "test loop" located, but I assume it is after root.mainloop()
. Thus the script can be as follows:
from tkinter import *
class GuardianLocator:
def __init__(self, master):
self._name = ""
frame = Frame(master)
master.title("GUARDIAN LOCATOR")
self.locator_label = Label(frame, text="Which Sailor Guardian are you looking for?", width=40, height=2)
self.entry = Entry(frame)
self.button1 = Button(frame, text="Search", command=self.guardian_name, pady=2)
def guardian_name(self):
self._name = self.entry.get()
root = Tk()
locator = GuardianLocator(root)
# this will be executed after the root window is closed.
print("Name is", locator._name)
Please note self._name = ""
in the constructor. This instance variable can be used to store the name provided in your GuardianLocator window.