I'm trying to get my account's total net liquidation amount. This is essentially the total amount in my portfolio of all positions, plus cash. However, the enclosed code is as close as I can get. I can then manually obtain it from the data below:
tws <- twsConnect()
I get the following data:
AccountCode XXXX
AccountOrGroup XXXX USD
AccountReady true
AccruedCash 0 USD
AccruedCash.S 0.00 USD
AccruedDividend 0.00 USD
AccruedDividend.S 0.00 USD
AvailableFunds 1478.69 USD
AvailableFunds.S 1478.69 USD
Billable 0.00 USD
Billable.S 0.00 USD
BuyingPower 9812.27 USD
CashBalance 1478 USD
CorporateBondValue 0 USD
Currency USD USD
Cushion 1
DayTradesRemaining -1
DayTradesRemainingT.1 -1
DayTradesRemainingT.2 -1
DayTradesRemainingT.3 -1
DayTradesRemainingT.4 -1
EquityWithLoanValue 1478.69 USD
EquityWithLoanValue.S 1478.69 USD
ExcessLiquidity 1478.69 USD
ExcessLiquidity.S 1478.69 USD
ExchangeRate 1.00 USD
FullAvailableFunds 1478.69 USD
FullAvailableFunds.S 1478.69 USD
FullExcessLiquidity 1478.69 USD
FullExcessLiquidity.S 1478.69 USD
FullInitMarginReq 0.00 USD
FullInitMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
FullMaintMarginReq 0.00 USD
FullMaintMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
FundValue 0 USD
FutureOptionValue 0 USD
FuturesPNL 0 USD
FxCashBalance 0 USD
GrossPositionValue 0.00 USD
GrossPositionValue.S 0.00 USD
IndianStockHaircut 0.00 USD
IndianStockHaircut.S 0.00 USD
InitMarginReq 0.00 USD
InitMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
IssuerOptionValue 0 USD
Leverage.S 0.00
LookAheadAvailableFunds 1478.69 USD
LookAheadAvailableFunds.S 1478.69 USD
LookAheadExcessLiquidity 1478.69 USD
LookAheadExcessLiquidity.S 1478.69 USD
LookAheadInitMarginReq 0.00 USD
LookAheadInitMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
LookAheadMaintMarginReq 0.00 USD
LookAheadMaintMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
LookAheadNextChange 0
MaintMarginReq 0.00 USD
MaintMarginReq.S 0.00 USD
MoneyMarketFundValue 0 USD
MutualFundValue 0 USD
NetDividend 0 USD
NetLiquidation 1478.69 USD
NetLiquidation.S 1478.69 USD
NetLiquidationByCurrency 1479 USD
OptionMarketValue 0 USD
PASharesValue 0.00 USD
PASharesValue.S 0.00 USD
PostExpirationExcess 0.00 USD
PostExpirationExcess.S 0.00 USD
PostExpirationMargin 0.00 USD
PostExpirationMargin.S 0.00 USD
PreviousDayEquityWithLoanValue 1478.69 USD
PreviousDayEquityWithLoanValue.S 1478.69 USD
RealCurrency USD USD
RealizedPnL 0 USD
SegmentTitle.S US Securities
StockMarketValue 0 USD
TBillValue 0 USD
TBondValue 0 USD
TotalCashBalance 1479 USD
TotalCashValue 1478.69 USD
TotalCashValue.S 1478.69 USD
TradingType.S PMRGN
UnrealizedPnL 0 USD
WarrantValue 0 USD
I also tried messing with twsPortfolioValue, but wasn't able to get it to work.
Ideally, I'd like to specify the field, instead of reading X number of records down. IE I want to specify "NetLiquidation" as opposed to "row 58."
Any thoughts? Thank you so much for your help!
is a list. The first component is an object classed as eventAccountValue
, which has its own print method to make it look like a data.frame
. However, if you call unclass(test[[1]])
, you'll see that it's really just a list.
So, you can access the "NetLiquidation" component of the first component of your test
object like this
# value* currency
# "1478.69" "USD"
*value changed to match OP's value.