Is it possible to get real time stock data with pandas from yahoo finance?
For historical data i would do the following:
import as web
aapl = web.get_data_yahoo('AAPL')
Is there a way to get the latest aapl price?
Yahoo has ended their free finance API so this answer is no longer relevant. Below is my answer for pre-2019 purposes.
There's plenty of libraries available for this. Pandas doesn't explicitly do this though.
Most simply, I would suggest you just use a web library to download yahoo data. I like using requests, but you could also use urllib. You can coerce the response into a data frame after you get it.
import requests
The nsl1op format var is from the docs:
I will use here the tags of name(n), symbol(s), the latest value(l1), open(o) and the close value of the last trading day(p)
Your response data should look something like
u'"Apple Inc.","AAPL",114.63,113.50,115.07\r\n'
You can just split up the string using the csv library and throw it into a data frame from there