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Prolog : eliminating cycles from indirect relation

I have a list of user facts defined as:


and so on. Furthermore, I have a set of facts as:


I am trying to write a relation indirect(user1,user1) which will tell me if user1 indirectly follows user2. However, I am not able to do away with cyclic relations.

Like in the given example, michael -> ana -> bob -> michael will cause a cycle.

What is the best way to eliminate these cycles from the result of indirect(user1,user2)?


  • You can make a rule that passes an extra list of users that you have "seen" so far, and ignore follows originating from these users: follows(A, B, Seen).

    To do that, define a "follow transitive" rule that wraps the actual rule, like this:

    follows_tx(A, B) :- follows(A, B, []).

    Now you can define follows/3 rule this way:

    follows(A, B, Seen) :-
        not_member(B, Seen),
        follows(A, B).
    follows(A, B, Seen) :-
        follows(A, X),
        not_member(X, Seen),
        follows(X, B, [A|Seen]).

    The base clause says that if there is a fact about A following B, we consider the predicate proven as long as we have not seen B before.

    Otherwise, we find someone who follows A, check that we have not seen that user yet by checking not_member/2, and finally see if that user follows B, directly or indirectly.

    Finally, here is how you can define not_member:

    not_member(_, []).
    not_member(X, [H|T]) :- dif(X, H), not_member(X, T).
