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Retrieving OrientVertex Objects from OrientDB

I'm having trouble with the Graph API of OrientDB in Java.


Retrieve Vertices (OrientVertex or Vertex?) from a persistent local graph database with several Vertices/Edges created via the console.

So for, I've been able to query the database from what I now think is the Document API using

graph = factory.getTx();
String string = String.format("select * from V where name like \"%s\"", criteria);
OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument> query = new OSQLSynchQuery<OrientVertex>(string);
List<OrientDocument> results = graph.getRawGraph().command(query).execute();

But this will not work for Vertices. How do I run queries that return a list of Vertices in my database?

Thanks in advance.


  • Looking at your code, you are using the Graph API. After calling getRawGraph() you are not working with the Graph API any more, but with the Document API (method name is a little bit confusing).

    Having a reference to the OrientGraph there are several possibilities

    • Using orientGraph#getVertex*(..) / orientGraph#getVertices*(..)style of methods
    • Using a Query object: orientGraph#query().has("key", value).vertices()
    • Using the gremlin query language
    • Using orientGraph#command(...).execute(). In this case the command is executed outside the transaction (thanks @wolf4ood)