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Can Python context managers be used with generators?

I'm trying to use a context manager which controls visiting a subdirectory, and it seems like it would be very elegant to combine that with a generator expression, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there any way to correct this so I can use the two together?

Here's the example:

import os, sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from glob import glob
def visitDir(d):
    yield d
paths = [os.path.join('.', p[0:-1]) for p in glob('*/')]
def clean():
    for p in (visitDir(p) for p in paths): # This is the magic line
clean() # Context manager apparently expires within the generator expression


  • You need to control the entering and leaving of a context. The generator expression has no concept of a wider context, so you cannot just put a context manager in a generator expression and expect that to be automatically entered when yielded.

    Only the with statement manages the actual context, triggering the __enter__ and __exit__ hooks on the CM. You can just use the produced context manager objects from the generator expression here:

    def clean():
        for cm in (visitDir(p) for p in paths):
            with cm as p:
                print p
                print os.getcwd()

    The with statement calls cm.__enter__ here, and when the block is complete cm.__exit__ is called.

    But I'd find the following more readable and comprehensible:

    def clean():
        for p in paths:
            with visitDir(p):
                print p
                print os.getcwd()

    because creating the context manager as part of the with line is just easier to follow.