I'm using laravel and mcamara/laravel-localization package to manage a bilingual site (french/english). In the package documention https://github.com/mcamara/laravel-localization they don't explain how to point an URL to the right view depending on which language is set as local.
For example, if the URL is /en/contact load the view en.contact (en is the subdirectory for views written in english) and id the URL is /fr/contact load the view from the subdirectory fr. The same for the URL that needs translation /en/products for english needs to load /fr/produits when the local language is set to french.
Disclaimer: I have never used the package...
That's because the package (and also the localization of laravel) assume that you are using Laravel's translations. So the package basically only worries about setting the application locale right and Laravel does the rest of the job.
However if you need different views (or don't want to use translations) you can just retrieve the current locale and use it to build the name of the view