I have recently set up Vagrant on my machine, and the first thing I noticed was that my terminal config was not synced, when I sshed into my server.
For instance I have changed my shell from bash to zsh, which does a lot of beautiful things for me (like removing case-sensitive auto completion). But on my vagrant virtual machine, or on my server, all this cool stuff is now gone. Also stuff like my important aliases is not synced.
Now, what is a proper way to sync stuff like this?
So currently, when I create/remove/edit an alias on my local machine, I have to copy the exact same changes into my VM and all other servers I frequently use. I see this as a very time consuming and unnecessary task.
What I do is version control my dotfiles and I keep them on github. Dotfiles are just the files in your root that start with a dot in the name such as .bashrc or .zshrc. They are "invisible" files, so you have to use ls -a instead of just ls to see them.
Here are my dotfiles: https://github.com/aharris88/dotfiles
When I get on a new machine, I just clone the repository to ~/dotfiles Then, I have a bash script in there called setup.sh that backs up any old dotfiles that might already be in root into ~/dotfiles_old. Then it creates symlinks to the files that are in ~/dotfiles.
It also installs zsh and oh-my-zsh if it isn't already. It should work for linux or mac os x.
Here is an article describing how to version control your dotfiles: http://blog.smalleycreative.com/tutorials/using-git-and-github-to-manage-your-dotfiles/
Another thing that I do to get a new mac ready is use kitchenplan: https://github.com/kitchenplan/kitchenplan, which can sync a lot more settings, but this probably isn't what you're asking about. Here is my kitchenplan config: https://github.com/aharris88/kitchenplan-config