so as you read title, i need help with magento static block, my task is to make static block content different in 2 shops, if it's even possible? ty for answers. P.S. Sorry for bad english.
Try this one it works for me. I made it with html/javascript. You can get store name by
var shopName= '{{config path="general/store_information/name"}}';
and then compare by your needs. Paste code into static block editor.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="websiteMessage()">
<p>Happy new years !!!</p>
<p id="static_block"></p>
function websiteMessage() {
var shopName= '{{config path="general/store_information/name"}}';
var string = "";
if(shopName.localeCompare("Leather_shoes_shop") == 0)
string = "leather shoes";
else if(shopName.localeCompare("Rubber_shoes_shop") == 0)
string = "rubber shoes";
string = "other";
document.getElementById('static_block').innerHTML = string;