I have a query string which is in array format, and im trying to figure out how I would access the sub elements using Context.Request
heres an example of my query string params
draw 1
search[value] test
and so in my C# generic handler (ashx) code I modeled after something i would do in PHP or Coldfusion I did the following
if (context.Request["search"]["value"] != "") {
for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++) ...
i get the following error
error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'string.this[int]' has some invalid arguments
Any idea how i write this piece?
this is how i ended up accessing the query string arrays
var searchString = context.Request["search[value]"];
var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["order[0][column]"]);
var sortDirection = context.Request["order[0][dir]"]; // asc or desc