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Specifying permisions with icacls

I want to allocate read only permission to "Everyone" on an empty folder so that the users are not allowed to change the folder name. However I want "Everyone" to be able to create/modify/delete files in the folder.

say the folder is called /fred/myfolder

I've tried

icacls /fred /grant Everyone:(OI)R


icacls /fred/myfolder /grant Everyone:(CI)R
icacls /fred/myfolder /grant Everyone:(OI)F

and various combinations to no avail. The documentation/my knowledge isn't great. Any help would be appreciated


  • I found the answer. I needed

    icacls /fred /grant Everyone:(OI)R

    Then i just needed

    icacls /fred/myfolder /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)(OI)F

    These were the combinations that I found very useful:

    (NP) This Folder Only.
    (OI) This folder and files.
    (CI) This folder and subfolders.
    (OI)(CI) This folder, subfolders, and files.
    (OI)(CI)(IO) Subfolders and files only.
    (CI)(IO) Subfolders only.
    (OI)(IO) Files only.