According to Apple's documentation on [NSTableViewDelegate tableView:shouldEditTableColumn:row:]
, "this method is only valid for NSCell-based table views". What's its equivalent for view-based table views? I would like to replace the default inline-editing with a custom editing experience.
There's actually no need in this delegate method with view-based table views.
In that case you need to create, for example, some NSView-subclass. There may be nib-file too.
Let's say, you have a class named CustomCellView having some outlets. CustomCellView.h
#define kCustomCellViewReusableIdentifier @"kCustomCellViewReusableIdentifier" // NSTableView reuses cell views
@interface CustomCellView : NSView
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSImageView *imageView;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;
- (void)setCellEditable:(BOOL)editable;
Here's your CustomCellView.m
@implementation CustomCellView
- (void)awakeFromNib
// paste your ui initializing code here
- (void)prepareForReuse
// this method will call each time cell reuses
- (void)setCellEditable:(BOOL)editable
[self.textField setEditable:editable];
// some other code
Don't forget to create nib-file and connect your outlets. Your NSTableView owner class must have some initializing code for reusing. MyTableViewController.m
- (void)initUI
NSString *nibName = NSStringFromClass([CustomCellView class]);
[self.tableView registerNib:[[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:nibName bundle:nil]
#pragma mark - table view data source methods
- (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
CustomCellView *view=[tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:kCustomCellViewReusableIdentifier owner:nil];
[view setCellEditable:someCondition]; //
return view;
#pragma mark - operations
- (void)setViewAtColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row editable:(BOOL)editable
CustomCellView *view=[self.tableView viewAtColumn:tableColumn row:row makeIfNecessary:NO]; //no need to create it if it's not exists - we'll set the data in NSTableViewDataSource method
if (view) // if it's exists
[view setCellEditable:editable];