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SQL Server 2005: When copy table structure to other database "CONSTRAINT" keywords lost

Snippet of original table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Batch](
    [CustomerDepositMade] [money] NOT NULL 
         CONSTRAINT [DF_Batch_CustomerDepositMade]  DEFAULT (0)

Snippet of copied table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Batch](
    [CustomerDepositMade] [money] NOT NULL,

Code for copy database:

        Server server = new Server(SourceSQLServer);
        Database database = server.Databases[SourceDatabase];

        Transfer transfer = new Transfer(database);
        transfer.CopyAllObjects = true;
        transfer.CopySchema = true;
        transfer.CopyData = false;

        transfer.DropDestinationObjectsFirst = true;

        transfer.DestinationServer = DestinationSQLServer;
        transfer.CreateTargetDatabase = true;

        Database ddatabase = new Database(server, DestinationDatabase);
        transfer.DestinationDatabase = DestinationDatabase;
        transfer.Options.IncludeIfNotExists = true;


  • The Transfer.Options property may provide an answer. In particular, looking at the documentation, setting the DriDefaults property and, more generally, the DriAll property to true may help.