We have currently the XenServer Version 6.2 with SP1 and the updates to XS62ESP1014.
If we tried to increase one of our vm disks, then there is an error:
[root@xenserver-xx ~]# xe vdi-resize uuid=5101f789-78c2-44e1-9a06-7fe7794dd98e disk-size=100GiB
Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_110
Error parameters: , VDI resize failed [opterr=Command ['/usr/sbin/lvcreate', '-n', 'inflate_5101f789-78c2-44e1-9a06-7fe7794dd98e_53800337408', '-L', '4', 'VG_XenStorage-81d9f03d-b7fc-80f3-240e-9f6a172059c7', '--addtag', 'journaler', '--inactive', '--zero=n'] failed (3): /usr/sbin/lvcreate: unrecognized option `--inactive'
Error during parsing of command line.],
The lvcreate version:
[root@xenserver-xx ~]# lvcreate --version
LVM version: 2.02.88(2)-RHEL5 (2014-04-04)
Library version: 1.02.67-RHEL5 (2011-10-14)
Driver version: 4.15.0
The redhat version:
[root@xenserver-xx ~]# more /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Does sombody know somthing about this error or have somebody the some problem?
Is there a way to fix this?
The problem is also there, then we create a new vm disc and try the increase the disc immediately.
I've got a solution:
The Probelm was that XenServer needs a special version of lvm.
LVM version: 2.02.88(2)-RHEL5 (2014-04-04)
Library version: 1.02.67-RHEL5 (2011-10-14)
Driver version: 4.15.0
In this case lvcreate is a symbolic lik to lvm and the newer version has other arguments to increase one of the vm disks.
My workaround is that I copied the old version from an other XenServer to this XenServer and exchange the lvcreate link.
copy lvm__2_02_84_2 into /usr/sbin/
cp /usr/sbin/
chmod 555 lvm__2_02_84_2
ls -lah lv* # check if lvm and lvm__2_02_84_2 are not different (rights)
mv lvcreate lvcreate_<date>_bak # <date> e.g. 2014-12-02 # backup the old link
ln -s lvm__2_02_84_2 lvcreate # create the new link
ls -lah lv* # check again
Perhaps it's better to exchange the hole lvm:
copy lvm__2_02_84_2 into /usr/sbin/
cp /usr/sbin/
chmod 555 lvm__2_02_84_2
ls -lah lv* # check if lvm and lvm__2_02_84_2 are not different (rights)
mv lvm lvm_<date>_bak # <date> e.g. 2014-12-02 # backup the old link
mv lvm__2_02_84_2 lvm # create the new link
ls -lah lv* # check again