If I have a parent template Container
with a child template Content
avec only a button :
{{> Container}}
<template name="Container">
{{# Content callback = callBack }}
<template name="Content">
{{> UI.contentBlock}}
If can pass a function to the callback
. Like that :
Template.Container.helpers( {
callBack: function () {
return function () {
console.log( 'this is my callback' );
} );
So in my content template, I can call a function from my parent template. Like this for instance :
Template.Content.events( {
'click button': function ( e, tmpl ) {
} );
But sometimes, I need to make it happen the other way. The parent calling a function in his child. What's your way of doing it ?
I saved it in a meteorpad to show it in action and to make it easy to fork : http://meteorpad.com/pad/48NvCFExxW5roB34N/test-pass-callback-to-parent
Here's a pattern you could use. Define a class Child
and a template child
; the idea is that inside the child
template, the data context is a Child
instance. For example, I'll create a component which has a number that can be incremented by pressing a button.
<template name="child">
<button class="increment">{{number.get}}</button>
function Child() {
this.number = new ReactiveVar(0);
"click .increment": function () {
this.number.set(this.number.get() + 1);
In the parent's created
callback, create a Child
instance and store it on the template instance. Then in the parent template, call out to child
, passing in the Child
as a data context:
Template.parent.created = function () {
this.childInstance = new Child();
childInstance: function () {
return Template.instance().childInstance;
<template name="parent">
{{> child childInstance}}
Now you can define methods on the Child
prototype and call them from the parent template, for example:
Child.prototype.getNumberTimesTwo = function () {
return this.number.get() * 2;
<template name="parent">
{{> child childInstance}}
That number multiplied by two is: {{childInstance.getNumberTimesTwo}}