I've got a set of domain and controller classes called: Organization and OrganizationController respectively.
THe OrganizationController only has one method:
def index() {
def organizations = Organization.list()
[orgs: organizations]
I've tried to mock out the Domain class by 2 ways.
The first way was using the @Mock annotation, and creating the objects and saving:
void "test index"() {
new Organization(name: 'JIMJIM').save()
new Organization(name: 'ABC').save()
def expected = [org: [new Organization(name: 'JIMJIM'),
new Organization(name: 'ABC')]]
def actual = controller.index()
actual == expected
That caused Oraganization.list to return an empty list. Actual returns [org: []]
I also tried using mockDomain:
void "test index"() {
mockDomain(Organization, [new Organization(name: 'JIMJIM'),
new Organization(name: 'ABC')
def expected = [org: [new Organization(name: 'JIMJIM'),
new Organization(name: 'ABC')]]
def actual = controller.index()
actual == expected
However I still got the same result. Why is it that my domain classes are not getting mocked?
My test decoration (OrganizationControllerSpec) is the following:
class OrganizationControllerSpec extends Specification {
I'm using Grails 2.3.8.
The first snippet seems to be ok, but...
First of all, were the Organization
objects actually created? Are all required fields provided? Please, try using save(failOnError: true)
to make sure.
Moreover, in controller you have orgs
, while you use org
in the test. Is it only a misspell?
Also, unless you have equals
method overwritten in Organization
class, the objects from database are not equal to the ones you create with new