I'm working on a Rails app where I use ThinkingSphinx
for search. It's deployed on Heroku
where I use their plugin Flying Sphinx
. On my local development machine it works, but at first I got the same error:
ThinkingSphinx::SphinxError (unknown column: 'question' ...
rake ts:rebuild
Was enough to make it work on my local machine. But I continue to get the same error in my production environment despite using:
heroku run bundle exec flying-sphinx rebuild
The relevant index file looks like this:
ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :competition, :with => :real_time do
indexes name
# This index seems to be causing the error:
indexes question
indexes user(:name), as: :idea_user
indexes taggings.tag(:name), :as => :idea_tags
has user_id, type: :integer
has team_id, type: :integer
has created_at, type: :timestamp
has updated_at, type: :timestamp
has start_date, type: :timestamp
has end_date, type: :timestamp
My question
property was previously called description
. I thought that running:
heroku run bundle exec flying-sphinx rebuild
Would be enough to update my indexes (it was enough on my local machine), but it didn't seem to help.
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
The DNSimple downtime certainly didn't help.
Also, you want to run regenerate rather than rebuild given you're using real-time indices:
heroku run bundle exec flying-sphinx regenerate